Kickstarting for Good

Kickstarting for Good accelerator - one pager

Thank you

For considering AMYBO for Kickstarting for Good. I’ve just recorded this bang up to date <9 minute introduction for you. If the science bores you (starting 2m 55s in), feel free to skip to the finance section 7m 10s in:

Forgive me for not fully customising the video for Kickstarting for Good. I imagine you’d appreciate my making a fully recyclable video as I thought we could do with a general-use pitch video… If you’d like a fully customised version, lets arrange a time for a video call.

Otherwise, here are some other things that you should probably know about this website:

  • We launched it 26 June 2023.
  • It initially started as a research document repository.
  • But we then launched the YouTube channel where we started running weekly livestreams that took over from initial documentation.
  • Our Forum followed not long after that.
  • The YouTube channel wasn’t getting as many subscribers as we hoped, probably because YouTube only promotes livestreams while they are streaming.
  • So we moved to regular edited YouTube videos, which definitely got more views.
  • Hours after posting the New Year New Culture video, I (Martin) got a payment failure notification from my bank. I had been so frantically working on the videos, buying anything we needed (and a few things we didn’t) that I took my eyes off the cashflow.
  • From that point focus has shifted to grant applications. We collaborate on these in a ClickUp account, hence there hasn’t been as much action in our other channels as we would have liked.
  • There is however a tonne of other stuff we’ve been working on, so please do get in touch, I/we would love to chat.